people smiling and talking

Credit Unions: Improving Financial Situations Nationwide

Did you know, a recent survey reported that 44% of the 2,500 responders said that being a member of a credit union has had a “very positive” impact on their financial situation? Compare this to the only 29% who said being a part of a big bank has had the same positive impact. These results were reflected across various demographics as 43% of women surveyed and 44% of people of color felt their financial situation was improved by a Credit Union.


Digging a little deeper, most respondents who did all their banking with a big bank stated that they wouldn’t have $500 saved that could be used in case of an emergency.


While these numbers alone are staggering, the study took a closer view at how those surveyed viewed Credit Unions.


For instance, the survey reported that most respondents were more likely to “associate their credit union with serving a socioeconomically diverse membership, granting easier access to low-cost loans, and having a more meaningful connection with their community.”


The State of Credit Unions

Speaking about their findings those who conducted the survey said, “We have data that shows credit unions return billions of dollars to their members and their communities, but it is especially meaningful to hear how members actually feel about the impact credit unions have on them personally.” The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) estimates that Nevada credit unions provided $36,003,119 in direct financial benefits to the state’s 377,308 members during the twelve months ending December 2021.


The study also found that Credit Union members are more financially savvy than those who completely rely on big banks (go ahead and pat yourself on the back). That is also because credit union members are twice as likely to take advantage of financial counseling or education offered by their credit unions.

After reading this study, how do you feel? Do you feel pride in your credit union membership? You should. We thank you for your membership as we wouldn’t be what we are without you.

If there is anything you need from Sierra, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you aren’t a member of a credit union, now is the perfect opportunity! You can improve your financial situation and gain access to so many fantastic benefits. So, what are you waiting for? Join today!


