credit card

4 Hacks to Raise Your Credit Score

Your credit score. Chances are you either love it or hate it. It’s either the greatest thing in the world or a total hindrance. Or, maybe you don’t really know enough about your credit score for it to make an impact on your life. As a whole, Americans’ credit scores are beginning to increase but […]


How to Prepare for the Unexpected Expense

We can’t avoid unexpected expenses. Life happens. Question is, how prepared are you to deal with life’s unexpected curveballs? There’s no way to predict when life will happen. One minute you’re looking at a little extra money in the budget and feeling good about the small surplus. The next minute your new puppy swallows part […]

reverse mortgage

A Look at Reverse Mortgages

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You? Reverse mortgages. Depending on your circumstances, choosing between a reverse mortgage or another option can be easy or difficult. Most of us have heard about reverse mortgages, but few know how they work. “If you haven’t saved as much as you thought by a certain time, or your […]

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