April 4, 2019

Member Notification on Board Nominations


Nominees to the Board

The Board nominating committee gave notice for members interested in being nominated to serve on the Board or be appointed to the volunteer Supervisory Committee. Three positions are up for nomination in each annual cycle. Three Board members indicated their willingness to be nominated and serve. No requests were received by the February 3rd deadline.

The nominees for the Board as reported to the Board on March 18th are Robert Fitch (Board Secretary, Incumbent), Bruce Harvey (Incumbent), and Jim Hunting (President, Incumbent).


Biography Information:

Robert Fitch

Director and Secretary

Bob Fitch is a retired Brigadier General of the Nevada State Air Guard, and retired Director of New Business at NV Energy Company. After serving on the Supervisory Committee, Bob then served on the Board for over 20 years.

Bruce Harvey


Bruce has been a director since 2006. He serves as the Chief Investment Officer for Paradigm Capital Management, a fee-only investment advisory firm located in Reno, Nevada. Bruce holds a BS and MS in Applied Economics.


Jim Hunting

Director and President

Jim has been the President and CEO of Sierra Pacific since the beginning of 2001 and has been a Director for over 20 years.


Nomination, Petitions and Election Process

This is a repeat of the disclosure for members on elections under a process adopted under the federal election options in 2004. The Board consists of nine members. Three positions come up for election each year. A three-member Board Nominating Committee is selected each fall. Notification is sent to members interested in being nominated to the Board or being appointed to a committee (presently the Supervisory Committee). The cut-off date this year was in February. No requests for nominations were received.  The nominating committee then submitted its nominations to the Board.

Subsequent to the nominations by committee, nominations by petition for vacancies may be made by members with a petition signed by 1% of eligible members, over 18 years of age, with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 500. Petitions should include the signatures and names of members, and be accompanied by a statement of qualifications and relevant biographical information for the nominee. That information must be received by May 14th. When there is only one nominee for each position, there will be no nominations from the floor and no election will be held. Any petitions should be sent to Sierra Pacific FCU Nominations, C/O Doug Gapp, Chair, 5580 Mill Street, Suite 700, Reno, NV  89502.

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